
ACSLS introduced the concept of logical libraries in Version 8.0. Logical Library client operation is accessed using SCSI commands through the SCSI Media Changer Emulation (SMCE) over a fibre-channel connection. Clients can mount, dismount, enter and eject tapes, and manage their own tape inventory using the SMCE interface, operating as if the library were directly connected to the client application.

Until ACSLS 8.2, logical library administrative setup functions were accomplished through the ACSLS Graphical User Interface (also introduced in ACSLS 8.0). Such tasks include creating a logical tape library with a desired number of storage cells and tape-drive slots, establishing a client initiator-target relationship, assigning physical drives to the library, and assigning tape volumes.

These administrative tasks can also be accomplished through a UNIX command-line interface (CLI). The CLI extends the usability of logical libraries, providing a faster path to critical administrative functions, and providing the means to administer logical libraries using batch processing UNIX shell scripts.






lib_cmd [-f infile]
lib_cmd assign drive drive_id lib_id
lib_cmd assign volume [vol_id | vol-range] lib_id
lib_cmd unassign volume [ vol_id | vol-range ] lib_id 
lib_cmd unassign drive lib_id  logical_drive_id
lib_cmd create library lib_name backing_acs cell_capacity drive_capacity
lib_cmd create mapping initiator_id target_id library_id
lib_cmd edit initiator initiator_id alias
lib_cmd edit library lib_id [-n name ] 
                            [-c capacity ] 
                            [-d drive_slots ]
                            [-f volume_label_format [6|8p|8s|all] 
                            [-x imp/exp_cell_count ]
lib_cmd edit target target_id alias
lib_cmd refresh initiator
lib_cmd refresh target
lib_cmd delete initiator initiator_id (y/n)
lib_cmd delete library lib_id (y/n)
lib_cmd delete mapping lib_id (y/n)
lib_cmd delete target target_id  (y/n)
lib_cmd display drive [drive_id ]
                      [-p acs_id | all ] 
                      [-l lib_id | all ] 
                      [-t drive_type ] 
                      [-u acs_id ]
lib_cmd display initiator
lib_cmd display library [ -p acs_id | all ]
                        [ -l lib_id | all ]
lib_cmd display mapping [ lib_id | all ]
lib_cmd display target
lib_cmd display volume [ vol_id ] | vol-range ] 
                       [ -p acs_id | all ]
                       [ -l lib_id | all ]
                       [ -u acs_id ]
lib_cmd eject cap <cap_id> [-verbose] volume <vol_id...vol_id> | file <path_to_volume_list>
lib_cmd vary library lib_id [online|offline|diagnostic]
lib_cmd vary drive lib_id drive_id  [online|offline|diagnostic]
lib_cmd [ exit | quit | log ]