
Follow these general guidelines for using the ACSLS utilities:

  • Generally, the utilities described in this chapter are intended for execution by user acsss. To inherit the privileges and environmental dependencies required to run them you should login as user acsss.

    If you prefer to use su, be sure to use su - acsss.

  • It is recommended that you use bdb.acsss to manually back up the database to tape after:

    • Configuring your library hardware.

    • Importing the database. After you upgrade to a new version of ACSLS, do not use database backups created with previous versions. Create a new backup as soon as you have upgraded.

    • Any database recovery.

  • To ensure that you recover an accurate and consistent database, always use the most current database backup.

If a utility fails, retain all event logs. These logs aid in the support of resolving any problems.

Legacy Start/Stop Scripts

The start and stop scripts that were used in ACSLS 7.x are not supported in ACSLS 8.x.

ACSLS 8.x provided a new mechanism for starting and stopping the library management application, which is integrated with the Solaris Service Management Facility (SMF). This replaces rc.accsss and kill.acsss used in ACSLS. This mechanism also provides the ability to monitor application status.

You can start and stop ACSLS 8.x with the acsss command. The single command acsss provides ACSLS startup, shutdown, and monitoring functions. The utility resides in the $ACS_HOME directory and is accessible to any user.