Re-partitioning a Library

These procedures describe how to re-partition an existing partitioned library.

  1. Move the cartridges before removing an LSM or cells from an ACS.

    If ACSLS manages one of the partitions in the new library configuration, follow the procedures for Creating the Volume List File or Moving Cartridges Before Removing Cells from a Partition to move the cartridges off of LSMs that will be assigned to another partition.

  2. Quiesce the library before re-partitioning it, and vary the ACS(s) and port(s) offline.

    This causes ACSLS to reject new requests from clients while the ACS(s) remain available for dynamic reconfiguration (after the re-partition).

  3. Re-partition the library using the SL Console.

    The following then occurs after you press Apply. The library:

    • Rejects any new requests from ACSLS.

    • Drops all host connections.

    • Applies partitioning changes.

    • Accepts new host connections.

  4. Reconfigure ACSLS to activate the partition changes.


    • There may be no changes to a specific partition. The changes may only affect other partitions. In this case, no ACSLS configuration changes are needed.
    • Because the library was not partitioned the first time or it was re-partitioned and the partition ID did not change, ACSLS can reconnect to the library.

    Select one of the following:

    • Run Dynamic Config (config acs acs_id) while ACSLS is running. This updates the ACSLS configuration to match the new library configuration. Follow this procedure:

      • Vary the port(s) online.

      • Update the ACS(s) configuration with config acs acs_id.

    • Or, bring down ACSLS and run acsss_config (option 8) to update the partition configuration in ACSLS. Follow this procedure:

      • Bring down ACSLS: acsss disable

      • Update the configuration using acsss_config.

      • Restart ACSLS: acsss enable.

      • Vary the port(s) online.

  5. Vary the ACS(s) to diagnostic mode.
  6. Audit the ACS(s).
  7. Vary the ACS(s) online.