SL4000 OCSI Retention Time

The OSCI retention time determines how long the SL4000 library retains events on the OSCI channel if ACSLS and the SL4000 become disconnected due to network outages or other network related issues.

The OSCI retention time is set to two hours and is configured by ACSLS when creating the OSCI destination channel on the library. This is an internally configured time and is not configured by the installer or other ACSLS UI.

If ACSLS and SL4000 connectivity is lost for longer than the two hour retention time, OSCI events may be lost. In most cases, no further action is required once connectivity is restored. However, if CAP enter or eject operations were occurring at the time of connectivity loss and the OSCI retention time has elapsed, it may be necessary to stop and restart ACSLS to re-sync ACSLS with the library.