Special Steps Required to Configure Accessibility Modes in ACSLS

This section discusses the special steps required to configure accessibility modes in ACSLS.

GUI Tree Menu

The ACSLS GUI provides an expanded or collapsed tree menu. By collapsing the tree menu, the complexity of the menu is hidden behind a few initial selections which become expanded as the menu portions are selected. For sight-impaired users who may rely on keyboard navigation or an audio summary of the menu, a collapsed tree menu may keep large portions of the GUI hidden from view. To enable an expanded tree menu, follow this procedure:

  1. Locate the Preferences button in the ACSLS GUI Masthead. Clicking the Preferences button will cause the Preferences page to be displayed in the GUI.
  2. In the Per-user Preferences portion of the Preferences frame, locate the 'Default Tree Menu' drop-down menu.
  3. Click the drop-down arrow and select "expanded".
  4. Once the expanded choice has been selected, click the "set" button.