Using display Command Options

The display command displays various fields of information for different library components. The display command allows you to select the order and format in which the output is displayed.

The information displayed can include multiple columns and long lines.To prevent lines from wrapping, you can re-size the terminal window used for display. A cmd_proc -lq window will probably be your best choice.

Wildcards, numeric or alpha ranges, and selection lists can be used with the display command.

Using Wildcard Characters

  • The wildcard character, *, can be used to substitute: for certain display operands; for one or more subfields in compound display operands; or at the beginning or end of a volume ID. It must match one or more characters.

  • Many of the ACSLS library components have a primary key composed of multiple fields.

    For example, the primary key of:

    • an LSM is acs,lsm

    • a drive is acs,lsm,panel,drive

  • When you wildcard a primary key that contains multiple fields, you can either specify an asterisk (*) for all fields in the key, or you can wildcard individual key fields. If you specify (*) some key fields and wildcard others, specify all of the key fields.

  • Do not use an asterisk (*) for a vol_id. Use an underscore (_) to match a single character in a vol_id. The underscore is positional, and represents a single character. It may be used more than once in a vol_id to represent more than one character.


Examples of valid wildcards using the * character:

  • display drive * (display all drives)

  • display drive 0,1,*,* (displays all drives in LSM 0,1)

  • display volume *100 (displays all volumes ending in 100)

  • display drive * -volume RB0001 (displays the drive(s) that contain volume RB0001)

Examples of invalid wildcards using the * character:

  • display drive 0,1,* (Asterisks for both the panel and drive positions must be specified when selecting all drives in LSM 0,1)

  • display cap * * (Only one asterisk is allowed when selecting all CAPs)

  • display volume 1*111 (The embedded asterisk is not allowed. Use display volume 1_111).

Using Ranges

  • A range is denoted with a ‘-' (hyphen or dash).

  • Rules for using ranges, are:

    • Negative numbers are not allowed, except for volume home LSM.

    • <n and >n are allowed. <n is all numerics less than n. >n is all numerics greater than n.

    • Multiple numbers or ranges can be used, separated by a white space.

    • Volume ranges can be alphanumeric.


Examples of valid ranges, are:

  • display volume * -drive 0,1,2,2-5 (displays all volumes in acs 0, lsm 1, panel 2, drives 2 through 5)

  • display lsm * -state online -free_cells >50 -type 9730 (displays all 9730 lsms in an online state with a free cell count greater than 50)

Examples of invalid ranges, are:

  • display drive 0,1,1,1-* (* is not valid in a range)

  • display volume * -drive 0,1,?,1-5 (? is not valid in a range)


display type arg ... [ -selection ... ] [ [ -c ] | [ -f field ... ] [ -s sort_field ... ] [ -n n ] ]


  • type

    specifies the object to be displayed. Valid types are: cap, cell, drive, lock, LSMs, panel, pool, port, and volume.

  • arg

    (argument) specifies the identifiers for the object type. Only objects that match one or more of the identifiers are returned.

  • -selection

    specifies additional selection criteria. To be selected, a component must match at least one of the selection identifiers for each selection criteria.

  • -c

    (count) causes the request to display only the number of objects that satisfy the arg and selection criteria. This option is mutually exclusive with the -f field, -s sort_field, and -n n options.

  • -f field

    specifies the fields of information to be returned, and the order in which they are to be returned for each object selected. Each display type has a list of available, key, and default fields. If -f is specified, the default fields are not displayed unless they are key fields or have been specified. If -f is not specified, then the default fields are returned. Key fields for each type are normally displayed first. However, you can change the order in which the key fields are displayed by specifying them after the -f option.

    The list of fields is separated by spaces.

  • -s sort_field

    sorts the objects returned by the field(s) selected in the order specified. The default sort order for each display command is discussed under each command. Sorting is based on internal database values and may not always display in alphanumeric order.

    All returned fields for a type are valid sort_fields.

  • -n n

    specifies the maximum number of objects to be displayed.

Start cmd_proc in Line Mode when Displaying Lines Longer than 80 Characters

The cmd_proc command started in curses mode cannot display lines longer than 80 characters, and the cmd_proc window hangs if it attempts to display a line longer than 80 characters.

Because of this, it is a good idea to start cmd_proc in line mode (with the –l option) when displaying many optional fields. Example:
display drive * -f volume type state serial num wwn
using a cmd_proc started as cmd_proc -l.