Using the Manual Volume Delete Utility

The Manual Volume Delete utility, del_vol, allows you to access a volume that is in an offline, unavailable LSM. If you manually remove the cartridge from the LSM and try to re-enter it into another LSM, ACSLS will issue a duplicate volume message and will not enter the cartridge. Using the del_vol utility, you can first delete the volume from the database, then manually remove it from the offline LSM and successfully re-enter it into an online LSM.

The del_vol utility now retains volumes as absent, with the option to delete the volume. The volume can be deleted without waiting for the expiration of an absent or ejected status.


To remove a cartridge from an online LSM, issue an eject command for the cartridge. If the cartridge is not actually in the LSM, you can run del_vol with the -f (force option). ACSLS and the database must be up and running to use this utility. Do not run del_vol while the system is in recovery; unpredictable results may occur.

For more information about this utility, see del_vol.

To delete a cartridge using the del_vol utility:

  1. Log in as acsss.

  2. Delete the cartridge:
    del_vol vol_id