Report LUNs (A0h)

The Report LUNs command (A0) returns to the initiator the known LUNs to which the initiator can send commands. Each LUN returned represents a logical library. Only LUN 0 is supported in the library.

Figure 3-27 Descriptor Block - Report LUNs (A0h)

Description of Figure 3-27 follows
Description of "Figure 3-27 Descriptor Block - Report LUNs (A0h)"
Allocation Length

This field specifies the number of bytes that the initiator has allocated for data to be returned from the Report LUNs command.

The Allocation must be at least 16 bytes. If it is less, a check condition is returned with the sense key set to illegal request and the additional sense data set to invalid field in the command descriptor block (CDB).

Select Report

This field specifies the type of logical unit addresses that shall be reported.

00h = The LUN addresses reported shall be limited to the following addressing methods: LUN addressing method, Peripheral device addressing method, and flat space addressing method.

02h = All LUNS accessible to the initiator for this port are accessible

Report LUNs Data Definition

The target device returns the following data for the Report LUNs command.

Figure 3-28 Descriptor Block - Report LUNs Data Definition

Description of Figure 3-28 follows
Description of "Figure 3-28 Descriptor Block - Report LUNs Data Definition"
LUN list length

The target device returns a LUN list length of n-7. Each LUN returned represents a logical library. If no logical libraries have been mapped for the requesting initiator, LUN 0 is still returned.