
StorageTek Automated Cartridge System Library Software (ACSLS) is Oracle's StorageTek UNIX server software that controls StorageTek automated tape libraries. The StorageTek ACS family of products consists of fully automated tape cartridge-based data storage and retrieval systems. StorageTek ACSLS supports network access to different client systems that can range from workstations to mainframes to supercomputers running on a variety of operating systems.

This guide is for the individual responsible for administering StorageTek ACSLS. It is expected that you already have a working knowledge of the following:

  • UNIX file and directory structure.

  • How to use UNIX commands and utilities for your platform.

  • UNIX system files.

  • How to perform typical UNIX system administrator tasks, such as logging on as root and setting up user accesses to a UNIX application.