Logical Libraries

The ACSLS GUI or lib_cmd enables you to create logical libraries which include a sub-set of the volumes and drives in a specific physical library. This enables you to define logical subsets of your physical libraries, which can be managed and used by client applications as if they were separate logical libraries. You can dedicate a portion (or all) of the volumes and drives in a given physical library to a logical library for use by a specific client application.

  • A logical library cannot span more than one physical ACS (or physical partition).
  • Logical libraries are accessible to clients using the ACSLS 8.x SCSI Interface. They are not available to clients that use the legacy ACSAPI.
  • Physical drives and cartridges that are allocated to logical libraries become inaccessible to ACSAPI clients. The physical libraries, along with any drives and volumes that are not allocated to logical libraries, remain accessible to ACSAPI clients.
  • Drives and volumes that are allocated to logical libraries are allocated exclusively. There is no support for sharing of either drives or volumes across logical libraries.
  • Logical libraries are only supported on the Solaris operating system. They are not supported in the Linux environment.