Product Highlights

This section highlights key features introduced in ELS 7.2.


  • For a complete list of ELS 7.2 features, refer to the publication Introducing ELS 7.2.
  • ELS 7.1 Software Product Enhancements (SPEs) are included as base features in ELS 7.2. For a list of these enhancements, refer to the latest version of the publication Introducing ELS 7.1.
  • Complete instructions for installing the various ELS components is provided in the publication Installing ELS. Refer to the latest version of this publication.

Report Flat File Support

ELS 7.2 no longer provides the ability to produce flat file output from the volume, VTV, MVC or VTSS reports. Refer to ELS commands, utilities, and control statements for information about requesting Comma Separated Values (CSV) to produce file output from these report programs. The ELS Programming Reference also contains details of the CSV specification. Also see ELS SAMPLIB members MVCRPT, VOLRPT, and VTVRPT for sample jobs that request all possible data in the CSV output.

Journaling Support

ELS 7.2 no longer supports journaling. If you are currently using the journaling option, please review the CDS logging feature and other CDS recovery procedures to ensure that you can recover your CDS if necessary.

SMC Command and Utility Support

SMC 7.2 no longer accepts any commands or parameters that were previously associated with the following message:

SMC0048  Support ending for CCCCCCCC1, change to CCCCCCCC2

This includes SMC LIBRARY commands, SMC commands with the LIBRARY parameter, and SMC TCPIP commands with the MONITOR parameter.