Launch the OKM Installer

Windows and Solaris/Linux use different methods for launching the installer.

For Windows: Double-click the shortcut to start the installer program.

For Solaris or Linux:
  1. Set your DISPLAY environment to identify the system to which this installer should be displayed.
    • If you start the installer program on the local Solaris system, set your DISPLAY environment variable to ":0.0."
    • Navigate to the directory where you downloaded the installer.
  2. Invoke the installer.

    For example, if you downloaded the installer to the /tmp directory, and you plan to invoke it on your local Solaris system, you start the installer by entering the following commands at a shell prompt:

    export DISPLAY
    cd /tmp
    ls OKMManager_solaris_5.11_3_3_3.bin
    sh ./OKMManager_solaris_5.11_3_3_3.bin


    If you invoke the installer on one Solaris system and want it to be displayed on another Solaris system, set your DISPLAY environment variable to identify the system on which it should be displayed.

    On the display system, first run the xhost(1) utility to allow access from the system from which you invoke the installer.

    For example, on the system (named "hosta") where you wish to display the installer, enter:

    xhost +

    On the system where you start the installer, enter:

    ping hosta
    export DISPLAY 
    cd /tmp 
    ls OKMManager_solaris_5.11_3_3_3.bin 
    sh ./OKMManager_solaris_5.11_3_3_3.bin