LTO Tape Drive Encryption Behavior

There are no enablement or drive data requirements for LTO tape drives. The only preparation is to ensure you have the information to assign the IP addresses and agent names for the tape drives in OKM manager.

LTO-8 and LTO-9 drives can read and write one generation back. LTO-5, 6, and 7 drives can read two generations back and write one generation back. For best capacity and performance, always use cartridges of the same generation as your drives.

Table 1-3 LTO 5,6,7,8 and 9 Encryption Behavior

Drive Behavior Functionality for Drive Not Enrolled for Encryption Functionality for Drive Enrolled for Encryption

Read same generation non-encryption data

OK non-encrypted

OK non-encryption

Read same generation encrypted data


OK encrypted if correct key available.

Write same generation from BOT

OK non-encrypted

OK encrypted.

Append write same generation encrypted data


OK encrypted if correct key available

Read one generation backwards non-encrypted data

OK non-encrypted

OK non-encrypted

Read one generation backwards encrypted data


OK encrypted if correct key available

Write one generation backwards from BOT

OK non-encrypted

OK encrypted.

Append write one generation backwards encrypted data


OK encrypted if correct key available

Read two generations backwards non-encrypted data (does not apply to LTO-8 drives)

OK non-encrypted

OK non-encrypted

Read two generations backwards encrypted data (does not apply to LTO-8 drives)


OK encrypted if correct key available

Append write same generation to non-encrypted data (Space EOD, Read to EOD, and write)

OK non-encrypted

IBM: Mixing of encrypted and non-encrypted data on a single tape not allowed.

HP: OK encrypted if correct key available

Append write same generation to encrypted data (Space EOD, Read to EOD, and write)

Space EOD = OK non-encrypted

Read to EOD = Error

IBM: OK encrypted if the correct key is available, but with the proper read key.

HP: OK encrypted if correct key available

Append write one generation back to non-encrypted Data (Space EOD, Read to EOD, and write)

OK non-encrypted

IBM: Mixing of encrypted and non-encrypted data on a single tape not allowed.

HP: OK encrypted if correct key available

Append write one generation back to encrypted data (Space EOD, Read to EOD, and write)

Space EOD = OK non-encrypted

Read to EOD = Error

IBM: OK encrypted if the correct key is available, but with the proper read key.

HP: OK encrypted if correct key available