Modify Key Pool Size

The key pool size sets the maximum keys generated by the cluster. The default key pool size is 1000.

Available to: Backup Operator (can modify), All other roles (can view)
  1. From the System Management menu, select KMA List.
  2. Click Modify Key Pool Size.
  3. Enter the new Key Pool size. Click Save.

Determine Key Pool Size

OKM administrators should know the worst case number of keys they expect to be created during of the OKM backup/key transfer window. The default key pool size of 1000 keys should be sufficient for most customers unless the estimated worst case key creation rate for the backup windows exceeds this.


KMAs pre-generate keys so a key creation request from an agent does not actually cause a key to be created on the KMA until the key pool maintainer runs within the server. When the server is busy the key pool maintainer can be delayed in its operations.

The total cluster key pool size must be large enough so that KMAs can hand out pre-generated keys from their key pool during the backup windows. When the key pool size is too small, KMAs can become drained of pre-generated keys and start returning "no ready key" errors. Tape drives failover to other KMAs when this happens, adding further disruption to the backup/key transfer window.

Administrators should observe the OKM backup window periodically as it will gradually grow as the database gets larger. Adjust the key pool size when the backup window exceeds a threshhold or if the key consumption rate grows due to changes in the overall tape workload.