Navigate OKM Manager with the Keyboard

Navigate through the OKM Manager using key strokes instead of the mouse.

Accelerator Keys: Accelerator keys provide keyboard shortcuts for menu items and dialog controls.

  • Alt+S: Pulls down the System Menu.
  • Alt+V: Pulls down the View Menu.
  • Alt+H: Pulls down the Help Menu.
  • F1:Display online help information about the current screen or dialog
  • F5: Refreshes a List screen.

Navigational keys, such as up and down arrow keys, move the focus around various elements in the Oracle Key Manager GUI.

Navigating in Screens and Dialog Boxes:

  • Tab: Navigates from one button, text field, check box, table, or combobox to the next one.
  • Shift+Tab: Navigates from one button, text field, table, check box, or combobox to the previous one.
  • Up/down arrow key: Displays the next/previous entry in a combobox or table.
  • Space: Sets or clears the current check box.
  • Enter: Invokes the operation of the current button, or brings up the details of the selected table entry.
  • Ctrl+Tab (on Windows): Navigates across tabbed panes in a dialog box.
  • Left/right arrow keys: Navigates across tabbed panes in a dialog box. First press Shift+Tab to navigate to the tab of the current tabbed pane.