Dump the Old STA Database (Task 1)

Perform a full dump of the STA database before upgrading.

  1. IMPORTANT: This is not the first task if using the two-server method. See Two-server Upgrade Process for the order of procedures.
  2. Display the size of your current STA database.
    1. Log in to STA as an administrator.
    2. Click About in the Status Bar.
    3. Record the Database Current Size.
  3. Verify that the location where you want to dump the database has sufficient space.
    1. On the STA server, open a terminal session. Log in as the Oracle user.
    2. Display the space available in the database dump destination, and verify it is sufficient for the dump file. For example:
      $ df -h /dbdumpfiles
      Filesystem                       Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on
      /dev/mapper/sta_server-STA_DbVol 200G   53G   243G  27% /dbdumpfiles
  4. Stop all STA services: $ STA stop all
  5. Start the MySQL service: $ STA start mysql
  6. Dump the STA database into a single file (do not use the -v (verbose) option). Enter the database root user password when prompted.
    $ mysqldump -uroot -p --opt --add-drop-database --comments --complete-insert --dump-date --events --flush-logs --routines --single-transaction --triggers --databases stadb > /dumpfile_path/dumpfile_name.sql
    Enter password: mysql_root_password

    In the following example, the STA 2.1.x database is dumped into the /home/oracle folder on the STA server with filename Jan26_dump.sql.

    $ mysqldump -uroot -p --opt --add-drop-database --comments --complete-insert --dump-date --events --flush-logs --routines --single-transaction --triggers --databases stadb > /home/oracle/Jan26_dump.sql
  7. To reduce the dump file size by approximately 50 percent, zip the file. For example:
    $ cd /home/oracle 
    $ zip Jan26_dump.sql