Enable SNMP v2c Mode for STA

If using SNMP v2c, you must first enable it on the STA server. By default, SNMP v2c is disabled.

  1. Do not perform this procedure if you are using SNMP v3.
  2. Establish a terminal session with the STA server and log in as the Oracle user.
  3. Change to the STA configuration files directory.
    $ cd /Oracle_storage_home/Middleware/user_projects/domains/TBI

    Where Oracle_storage_home is the Oracle storage home location defined during STA installation.

  4. Edit the SNMP version properties file.
    $ vi TbiSnmpVersionSupport.properties
  5. Change the SNMP v2c parameter to true.
  6. Save and exit the file.
  7. Stop and restart all STA processes to activate the change.
    $ STA stop all
    $ STA start all