ISSUE: Backup Service or Resource Monitor Fails

The Backup Service or Resource Monitor may fail if the Oracle user does not have write access to /etc/.java or staservd does not have write access to /etc/.java/.systemPrefs.


The service fails with the following:

Error: java.util.prefs.BackingStoreException: Couldn't get file lock.


  1. Open a terminal session on the STA server and login as the root user.
  2. Provide write access to the /etc/.java and /etc/.java/.systemPrefs directories. For example:
    # chmod 777 /etc/.java
    # chmod 777 /etc/.java/.systemPrefs
  3. Switch to the Oracle user.
  4. Stop the services daemon:
    $ STA stop staservd
    $ STA status staservd

    You should see: staservd service is shutdown

  5. Start the services daemon:
    $ STA start staservd