ISSUE: STA Does Not Completely Deinstall

If the deinstallation of STA fails or fails to uninstall everything, you may need to manually remove components of STA.

The following steps assume that the Storage Home is /Oracle and the Oracle Inventory Home is /Oracle. If these values differ for your system, adjust the steps below.

Some of the steps may fail because the component may already be uninstalled.

  1. Start a terminal session as the 'root' super user.
  2. Stop the WebLogic processes:
    # STA stop all
  3. Stop MySQL:
    # service mysql stop
  4. Stop any remaining oracle processes (this assumes the oracle user was used to install STA, otherwise adjust appropriately).
    # ps -eaf | grep oracle
    # kill -9 <pids>

    Repeat until all oracle processes have been killed.

  5. Remove the following directories:
    # rm -rf /Oracle/Middleware
    # rm -rf /Oracle/StorageTek_Tape_Analytics/
  6. Identify any installed MySQL packages:
    # yum list MySQL*
  7. Remove the MySQL packages:
    # yum remove MySQL*
  8. Remove the following directories:
    # rm -rf /usr/bin/STA
    # rm -rf /Oracle/oraInventory
    # rm -f /etc/oraInst.loc