Recover a Failed Database Upgrade

If the database upgrade does not complete successfully and repeated attempts to upgrade have also failed, you can attempt to recover.

  1. IMPORTANT: Only perform this procedure under the direction of your Oracle support representative.
  2. Repeat the last step of Process and Load the Old STA Database (Task 8) through Upgrade the Old Database (Task 9).

    If the upgrade fails again, the database is in an unknown, possibly damaged state and you should restore the database to its original, freshly installed state. Proceed to the next step.

  3. Delete the damaged upgraded database.
    $ mysql -u root -p -e 'drop database stadb;'
  4. Load the new installation database dump file you created in Dump the New STA Database (Task 6) - Optional.

    For example:

    $ mysql -u root -p -e 'source /home/oracle/STA_FRESH_INSTALL_BACKUP.sql;'
  5. Perform Upgrade the Old Database (Task 9).
  6. Configure STA as a new installation. See the following sections for details: