Verify Configuration of Authentication Providers

After you have finished configuring one or more external authentication providers for STA, verify that WebLogic Server can access the appropriate users and groups.

  1. Log back into WebLogic and make sure you have locked the active security realm from other users (see Lock the WebLogic Server Active Security Realm).
  2. In the Settings for myrealm control bar, select the Users and Groups tab and then the Groups secondary tab.
    Users and Groups, then Groups tab in Settings for myrealm
  3. Verify that the Groups table includes groups from all configured external authentication providers.

    The following example shows groups from two external providers.

    Groups table with two external authenticators highlighted
  4. In the Settings for myrealm control bar, select the Users secondary tab.
    Settings control bar with the Users and Groups tab selected
  5. Verify that the Users table includes all users assigned to the STA access group (StorageTapeAnalyticsUser) on the configured external providers.

    The following example shows users from two external providers.

    Users table with two external authenticator users noted
  6. Log out of the WebLogic Server Administration console.
  7. Go to the STA GUI. Verify that you can use a user account from the external authentication provider to log in to STA and display the Dashboard.
    Dashboard showing user ADUser10 logged in with Viewer role
  8. STA users from external authentication providers are assigned the STA Viewer role by default. If a user requires a different role (Operator or Administrator), you must modify it manually through the STA user interface. See the STA User's Guide for instructions.