Analyze Media Utilization

Look at media utilization to addresses the question, "Which types of drives or media are used the most in my tape system?"

The drives and media that make up the majority of the system are not necessarily subject to the most use. Utilization is affected by your client configuration and the types of drives and media requested by these clients. This procedure addresses some of the most common ways of defining most used.
  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Hardware, select Media Overview.
  2. In the Templates menu, select "STA‐Media‐Utilization".
  3. Filter out media for which STA has no utilization data.
    1. Click Filter Data Filter data icon.
    2. Add one of the following criteria that represents the utilization measure of interest to you.
      • To identify media with the greatest amount of movement, use: Time spent reading or writing | Greater Than | 0.
      • To identify media below a specific threshold of available space, use: Media MB Avail Pre/Post | Greater Than | 0.
      • To identify media with the highest number of mounts and dismounts, use: Media Dismounts (30 days) | Greater Than | 0.
      • To identify media with the greatest amount of data read or written, use: MB R/W (30 days) | Greater Than | 0.
    3. Click Apply.
      Sample Filter Data dialog
  4. Sort multiple columns to group the records by media type and then utilization. From the View drop-down, then select Sort, then Advanced...
    View drop-down with Sort expanded and Advanced selected
    1. In the Sort By field, select Media Type, Ascending.
    2. In the Then By field, select the attribute that you used in step above, and Descending.
      Sample Advanced Sort dialog
    3. Click OK.
  5. Use an external spreadsheet application to calculate the total capacity and space available for each media type.
    1. Click Export Export icon and select Media.xls (see Export Table Data to a Spreadsheet or Document for more information).
    2. Save the file to a location on your local computer.
    3. Open the file in a spreadsheet application and summarize the data.