Identify Media and Drives Involved with Job Errors

Add a filter to the Exchanges Overview screen to identify drives and media involved with an error.

This procedure can help addresses the questions such as, "At 9:00 am today, one of our tape jobs experienced an error. Which drive and media were involved? Have they also experienced other errors?"

In cases where each "job" is an independent exchange (that is, mount, read/write data, dismount), you can use this method to access information about tape job failures.

  1. In the left navigation, expand Tape System Activity, select Exchanges Overview.
  2. To view more of the table, click Collapse Pane Collapse Pane icon in the middle of the screen (see Resize or Collapse Areas of the Screen).
  3. Add a filter to narrow down the data to just exchanges that experienced errors:
    1. Click Filter Data Filter data icon.
    2. In the Filter Matching field, select Match ANY entered criteria.
    3. Add selection criteria:
      • Drive Exchange Status, Contains, ERROR
      • Media Exchange Status, Contains, ERROR

      Entries are not case-sensitive, so "ERROR" will match "error" or "Error".

    4. Click Apply.
      Sample Filter Data dialog
  4. Scroll to the exchanges that occurred during the time in questions, and review the information in the Drive Exchange Status, Media Exchange Status, and Exchange FSC columns for details about the errors.


    The Drive Health Indicator and Media Health Indicator columns may indicate Use even after an error. This is because the values of these attributes are aggregated over time. The specific values depend on the frequency and severity of errors, and whether there have been subsequent exchanges with no problems. Recent exchanges with no problems move the aggregated value toward a "Use" status.

  5. Optionally, to display detail about a drive or media involved in an error, select the text link in either the Drive Serial Number or Volume Serial Number column.
    Volume serial number link being clicked.