Test the Email Server and Recipient Definitions

Verify the STA email server and recipient definitions by sending a test email to a selected recipient. You can test only one recipient at a time.

  1. You must have Administrator privileges.
  2. In the left navigation, expand Setup & Administration, then select Email.
  3. Select an email address, then click the Test SMTP and Email Address Setup Test SMTP icon.
    Email Addresses table with row selected and Test icon noted
  4. The STA email server sends a test email to the selected address and updates the Comment field with details about the test. You may need to click the Refresh Table Refresh Table iconbutton to see the comment.
  5. Check the recipient's email to confirm receipt. Below is a sample of the test email contents.
    From: stasmtp@example.com
    Date: 10/20/2014 2:24 PM
    Subject: STA Test Email Alert - 2014-10-20 14:23:54 (Test Email sta_server)
    STA Test Email Alert - 2014-10-20 14:23:54   (Test Email sta_server)
  6. If the email does not arrive within a few minutes, verify that the STA email server and recipient have been defined correctly. You can also check the following STA log for additional information. Contact your IT administrator for assistance, if necessary.
