User Roles for Template Activities

Some template activities can be performed by all user roles, while others are available only to users with Administrator or Operator privileges.

Regardless of user role, you have access to all public templates and private templates owned by your current STA username. You cannot use private templates owned by another STA username. The following table provides a summary of activities available to each role.

User Roles Template Activity Screen or Toolbar

Viewer and above

Apply a template to the current screen

Set the current template as the screen default for your STA username

Template toolbar

Viewer and above

Display a list of all templates available to your STA username

Navigate to a screen with the selected template applied

Select Home, then select Quick Links.

Operator and above

Display a list of all templates available to your STA username

Change the default screen template for your STA username

Select Setup & Administration, then select Template Management.

Operator and above

Create a template

Modify the appearance of a template—custom templates only

Save a template to a new name—custom templates only

Change the public or private visibility settings of a template—custom templates owned by your STA username only

Template toolbar

Operator and above

Rename a template—custom templates only

Change the public or private visibility settings of a template—templates owned by your STA username only

Export a template—custom templates only

Import a template

Delete a template

Restore the STA predefined templates

Select Setup & Administration, then select Templates Management