Configure SNMP Users

Define an SNMP user if your SNMP manager will perform GET requests against the library.

  1. Click Notification in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  2. Click the SNMP Users tab.
  3. Click Add Add SNMP user icon, or select a user and then click Modify Edit SNMP user icon or Delete Delete SNMP user icon.
    • Authentication Protocol - Choose SHA for best security or MD5 for compatibility with systems that use MD5. Enter an authentication password.
    • Privacy Protocol - Choose NONE, AES, or DES. Select AES (Advanced Encryption Standard) for best security or DES (Data Encryption Standard) for compatibility with systems that use DES. Enter a privacy password for AES or DES.


User Name

  • Must be 1 to 32 characters in length.
  • Cannot use the following special characters: [space] # % & * ( ) _ = ` [ ] \ " : / { } < > ? | +

Authentication and Privacy passwords

  • Must be 8 to 40 characters in length.
  • Can use special characters.

Limit for the number of SNMP Users and Trap Recipients defined

  • Maximum of 20 for each