Default CAP States

The default state of a CAP (meaning the CAP state immediately after library initialization) depends on the CAP pool status and whether the partition that owns the CAP is SCSI enabled.

Table 9-1 Default CAP State Based on CAP Pool and Partition Status

CAP Pool Status CAP Status Partition is SCSI enabled Partition is not SCSI enabled

Library only has single default pool (no partitioning activation file installed and library has single default partition)

All CAPs are "Dedicated" (the default partition automatically owns all CAPs in the library)

All CAPs are unlocked

All CAPs are locked

CAP pool not assigned to a partition

CAPs in pool are "Free" and locked



CAP pool assigned to a single partition

CAPs in pool are "Dedicated" (the partition owns all CAPs in the pool)

CAPs in pool are unlocked

CAPs in pool are locked

CAP pool assigned to more than one partition

CAPs in pool are "Shared" and remain locked until a partition explicitly takes ownership of a CAP in the pool

If owned by a partition, the CAP will be unlocked

If owned by a partition CAP will be locked.