Drive Tray

A drive tray houses a tape drive and slides into a drive bay within the drive array of a Base or Drive Module.

The tray contains the drive controller card which allows the drive to interface with the library. Often "tape drive" and "drive tray" are synonymous. The SL4000 only supports drive trays with the LOD controller.

Can I reuse an SL3000 drive tray in the SL4000?

You can use an SL3000 drive tray in an SL4000 if the tray contains the SL4000 controller LOD card. The SL3000 drive controller HBD card is not supported. You can easily identify the tray type by noting the number of ports on top of the tray. The SL3000 HBD card has one port and the LOD has two ports.

LOD (2 connectors) vs HBD (1 connector) tray

Rear of the Drive Tray


The rear drive tray Ethernet ports are disabled in the SL4000.
Rear view of drive tray LTO and T10000
  1. Power to drive (solid green). Power to tray only or installing code (blinking green).
  2. Service action required (yellow)
  3. Okay to remove drive tray from library (blue). Flashes when you use the locate feature.
  4. Power to tray on/off (push button) — Disabled on the SL4000. Instead use the GUI to turn the tray on or off.
  5. Ethernet link (green). The port is disabled on the SL4000 and only used by Oracle service representatives for maintenance.
  6. Encryption reset to default IP address (push button)
  7. Encryption indicator
  8. Encryption card port. The port is disabled on the SL4000.
  9. Fiber channel ports
  10. Maintenance push button (DO NOT USE in the SL4000. It will take the drive offline.)
  11. Drive status indicator
  12. Drive maintenance indicator