Library Configuration Guidelines to Maximize Performance

Maximize library performance by following key configuration guidelines.

  • Place the Base Module in the center of the library string.
  • Place a balance of Cartridge Modules to the left and the right of the Base Module.
  • Spread the Drive Modules out within the library string to reduce robot contention.
  • If only adding one Access Module for bulk loading, place the module on the left side of the library string.
  • When installing additional CAPs, balance the CAPs between the left and right sides of the library string. If partitioning the library, install enough CAPs to provide at least one CAP for each partition. This allows each partition to contain a dedicated CAP.
  • Install enough tape drives to adequately handle peak workload. Logically group tape drives and compatible tapes together.
  • Pre-install physical capacity to grow into it non-disruptively.