Manually Configure the SL4000 to Send Outbound SCI to STA

STA automatically configures the outbound SCI connection. However, if there are SCI connections issues you may need to manually configure the connection.

  1. STA automatically configures OSCI when you add the SL4000 to the Monitored Libraries table within the STA interface. Only perform this procedure if you are troubleshooting a connection issue.
  2. Sign in to the SL4000 GUI.
  3. Click Notifications in the left navigation area.
  4. Click the SCI tab.
  5. Click Add Add SCI destination icon.
    • Protocol - Select https.
    • Username and password - Credential information for an STA user account to be used by the SL4000 to communicate to STA using outbound SCI.
    • IP address - Enter the IP address for the STA server.
    • Destination Port - Set to 7026.
    • Destination URL - Set to /Oyapi/OutboundWebServicePort
    • Retention Time Limit - Set to 24 hours.
    • Alerting Event Types - Select "All"