Upload or Delete Hardware Activation Files on the Library

Upload a hardware activation file to enable the feature on the library. Remove the file to disable the feature.

  1. Connect to the library GUI through a web browser (you cannot upload hardware activation files through the local operator panel).
  2. Click Configuration in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  3. Click the Features tab.
  4. To add a feature: click Upload Upload icon, and browse to the activation file (.jar).

    To remove a feature: select the feature in the table, and then click Delete Delete icon.

What Occurs When You Delete a Capacity Activation File

After deleting a capacity activation file, the activated tape capacity decreases by the capacity of the activation file. If there are more tapes in the library than remaining activated capacity, a Storage Cells alert Alert icon will appear on the Library page. To correct this, either eject tapes or re-install a capacity activation file.

What Occurs When You Delete the Multiport FC or Dual TCP/IP Activation File

After deleting the Multiport FC activation file, the library powers off the unavailable FC ports, which are port 2 and port 4 (for a library with a second library controller card).