View a System Report

View the details of a system report to help troubleshoot library issues.

  1. Click Reports in the left navigation area of the GUI.
  2. Click the System Reports tab.
  3. Select a report in the table. Use the Actions drop-down (or right-click menu) to view additional information.
    • Source Request Details — information about the request that spawned the problematic job. If the issue was not a direct result of a request (such as a sudden device failure), there will be no source request or source job information.
    • Source Job Details— information about the job that encountered the issue.
    • Created Request Details — information about the request made by the problematic job or intelligent device to generate the system report. Every system report will have a created request ID.
    • Created Job Details — in some cases, the generation of a system report may create a job to recover from the issue. The created Job Details contains information about the job that was spawned by the system report.

    Some Request Details pages will contain additional tabs that you can use to view more information about the issue.

    • Output Messages - the list of request messages generated as the library processed the request
    • Log Messages - (selected roles only) log messages that references the request.