What Does "Effective Auto Clean Enabled" Mean?

The "Effective Auto Clean Enabled" status is a field within Drive Properties that identifies if the library will auto-clean the drive. It reflects a combination of the auto-clean setting for the individual drive and the setting for the partition.

The library will auto-clean a drive if auto-cleaning is enabled for either the drive or the partition containing the drive. The "Effective Auto Clean Enabled" field will reflect this combined status as noted in the table below.

Individual Drive Auto Clean Partition Auto Clean Effective Auto Clean Enabled Status
Enabled Enabled Yes
Enabled Disabled Yes
Disabled Enabled Yes
Disabled Disabled No

For example, if you disable auto-cleaning for a partition, but enable auto-cleaning for a single drive within that partition, the "Effective Auto Clean Enabled" field will be Yes and the library will auto-clean that drive. Likewise, if you enable auto-cleaning for the partition, but disable it for a single drive within that partition, the library will still auto-clean that drive and the "Effective Auto Clean Enabled" field will be Yes. The "Effective Auto Clean Enabled" field will only be No if auto-cleaning is disabled for both the individual drive and the partition.