2 Release Notes for FRS_8.70

The following provides release information for Oracle’s StorageTek SL8500 library firmware version FRS_8.70.


  • The enhanced robot self-test now only runs if the service feature is enabled.
  • Added an option for the robot self-test to look for a cleaning cartridge on other rails if there are none on the current rail.
  • Added the drive tray fan2 presence and status to the drive tray tab.
  • Added the IP addresses of IBM LTO5+ drives to the drive folder and display tab for a specific drive.
  • Implemented drive integration with SDP for IBM LTO5+ drives.
  • Added a monitor and recovery mechanism for interrupted communication to the drive controller.
  • The MIB version is now 2.20 with the following additions:
    • slCapSerialNumberStr OID added to the slCapTable in the MIB.
    • slDriveHealthStatusEnum OID added to the slDriveTable in the MIB.


  • Corrected a problem with releasing a robot that may not have been reserved in robot self-test.
  • Added a check when reserving a robot during self-test to ensure the robot didn’t have a cartridge in hand on the fetch.
  • Reduced the drive getState timeout from 60 to 30 seconds to help prevent queryDrives from bogging down the library when drives are slow to respond.
  • Stopped sending an HLI queryDrive to drives known to be inop, not communicating, or not powered.
  • Stopped adding media validation records with each load retry, causing a failure when returning the cartridge to source on the next media validation.
  • Stopped sending duplicate announce IBM drive resets after a drive firmware update.
  • The library now re-enables the drive ports for all MV load failures.
  • The drive tray now sends the fan2 presence and status to the library controller.
  • The library now correctly reports LtoGen8_M media in storage cells for a MIB walk.