Configure Library Settings

Library settings include the Drive Element Addressing mode, Drive Auto Clean mode, mailslot configuration, reserved system slot configuration, partitioning configuration, bridged drive selection, and volume label format.

  1. Run the Configuration Wizard. Select Configure Library Settings.
  2. From the "Drive Element Addressing Mode:" drop-down, select either:
    • Address All Drive Slots (Recommended) — Assigns new SCSI hardware addresses to all drive bays in the library, whether or not drives are actually installed.

      Select this if:

      • You are using STA. If you don't select this option, media validation drives will not show in STA.
      • You are installing a new library. This means host system drive assignments do not need to be remapped when drives are subsequently added or replaced.
    • Address Only Installed Drives — Assigns SCSI address to drive bays that contain an installed drive. Does not address empty drive bays.

      Select this if:

      • You are using ACSLS.
      • You are upgrading an SL150 library that does not currently assign addresses to empty drive bays. Selecting Address Only Installed Drives retains the current addresses and assigns the next address in sequence to the new drive.
  3. From the "Drive Auto Clean:" drop-down, select either:
    • On — Enables library auto cleaning. You must have one or two cleaning cartridges in reserve slots to enable this feature. See Configure Drive Cleaning for more information.
    • Off — Disables library auto cleaning. You must configure host-managed cleaning or manually clean. See Configure Drive Cleaning for more information.
  4. From the "Mailslot Configuration:" drop-down, select either:
    • Standard (4 slots)
    • Expanded (19 slots) — Converts the right magazine of the Base Module into an additional mailslot. The magazine must be empty before selecting this configuration. Requires 2.25 code and above.
  5. From the "System Reserved Slots:" drop-down, select the number of slots. If you are unsure, see Determine the Required Number of Reserved System Slots.
  6. From the "Library Partitioning:" drop-down, select either:
    • Partitioning Off
    • Partitioning On — You will need to partition the library now, see Partition the Library.
  7. From the "Library Bridge Drive:" drop-down, select a drive to designate as the bridged drive. The default bridged drive is Module 1 Top Drive. See Bridged Tape Drives for more information.
  8. From the "Library Volume Label Format:" drop-down, select a label format. For a description of each type, see Label Format Types.
  9. From the "Library Fast Load" drop-down, select whether to enable or disable the Library Fast Load option. This option applies to all tape mounts in the library. Select either:
    • Off (default and recommended) — All moves to a drive will not complete until the tape has been loaded by the drive and the drive has transitioned to either the "Loaded" or other failure state in the case of a failure. Additionally, when this option is off, the library will move the tape back to the source if possible, before returning status.
    • On — All moves to a drive will complete once the robot places the tape in the drive. If the load fails for any reason, the tape remains in the drive. The host is responsible for moving the tape out of the drive.


    All Media Validation mounts are normal (not fast load) even if the "Library Fast Load" option is set to On.