User Roles and Access

A user's role determines their access to library functions.

The administrator can assign a user one of the following roles:

  • Viewer — a read-only role. Viewers can login, monitor library operations, and view component states and properties, but they cannot alter the configuration or operation of the library.
  • Operator — limited control over the operation of the library, but cannot change the configuration. Operators can take the library online/offline, power the library on/off, import and export cartridges, and run self-tests.
  • Administrator — has full control over the operation and configuration of the library, and can manage other users. The administrator can grant or deny users access, assign user roles, set and change library properties, configure the TCP/IP connection and SNMP communication. Since the administrator role can alter configuration settings, you should limit the number of users with this role.
  • Service — a special role for service technicians. The service user has all the privileges of an administrator except for managing users. When you require the assistance of an Oracle service representative, you can create a log-in account for the service person and assign the account to the Service user.