Adding an Administrator or User (BUI)

Use the following procedure to create a user with or without the administrator role.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Users.
  2. Click the add icon image showing the add icon next to Users.

    See also "Alternative Method" following this procedure.

  3. In the Add User dialog box, choose the appropriate type of user from the Type drop-down menu.

    For descriptions of user types, see Understanding Users and Roles.

    image shows different user types
  4. Enter values for properties.

    A Username value is required. For help with setting the Username value, see Understanding Users and Roles.

    • If you selected Directory for the user type, the User ID and Password are managed automatically by the directory service.

    • If you selected Local, Data, or No-login for the user type, then a User ID is required. If you do not set the User ID, a user ID is automatically assigned. For help with setting the User ID value, see "User Properties" in Managing User Properties.

    • If you selected Local or Data for the user type, then a Password is required.

    If you do not provide a value for Full Name, then the BUI will not show the identity of the current user. See Determining the Current Logged-in User.

  5. Optional: For Local and Directory users, assign roles.

    Click the Roles tab. Local and Directory users have the basic role by default.

    Roles that are listed in the Roles section of Configuration: Users are available to choose. Click the check boxes for the roles that you want this user to have.

  6. Optional: For Local and Directory users, add authorizations.

    See "Scopes, Filters, and Authorizations Available for Users and Roles" in User Authorizations.

    Click the Exceptions tab. Iterate the following steps until you have added all of the authorizations that you want this user to have:

    1. Select a Scope.

      Any filters that are available for this scope appear below the Scope selector.

    2. Specify filters for the scope as necessary.
    3. Click the check box for each authorization to add.
    4. Click ADD in the Exceptions section.

      The authorizations are listed at the bottom of the Exceptions section.

    Note that these authorizations can also be used to exclude authorizations that are granted to this user in a role. If you assign authorizations that have a more limited (more narrowly filtered) scope than the same authorizations that are granted in a role, then this user will only have the authorizations for the more limited scope.

  7. Click ADD at the top of the dialog box.

    The new user appears in the Users list.

Alternative Method

To create a new user of the same type as an existing user and with the same roles and authorizations assigned, hover over the entry for the existing user and click the clone icon Image showing the clone icon . Provide a Username and Full Name. If the type of the user that you are cloning is Local or Data, set a Password. Click ADD at the top of the Clone User dialog box.