Adding an Alert Action for an Event Defined in a Workflow (BUI)

This alert action is performed when the postalert function is called in a workflow, and the UUID of this alert action is specified. For more information, see Creating and Posting Custom Alerts from Within a Workflow.

Before You Begin

To perform this procedure, you must have the alerts configure authorization.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Alerts.
  2. Click the add icon image showing the add icon in the Alert actions tab title.
  3. In the Events section of the dialog box, select the Custom event category.
  4. Select the severity of the event that precipitated this alert action: Minor, Major, or Critical.
  5. Enter a brief Description of the event that precipitated this alert action.
  6. Optional: Enter a Response, Impact, and Recommended action.
    • Response - String that describes actions that will be performed by the system to mitigate the effects of this event.
    • Impact - String that describes the effect that this event has on the appliance.
    • Recommended action - String that describes actions that the administrator should take to mitigate the effects of this event.
  7. In the Alert actions section of the dialog box, select the action to take when this event alert is sent.

    Most of the actions have arguments. For example, you might have to specify an email recipient or select a dataset or workflow.

  8. Optional: To specify additional actions for this event alert, click the add icon image showing the add icon in the Alert actions section title. Select the action and specify arguments.
  9. Click ADD at the top right of the dialog box.