Adding SMB Autohome Rules (CLI)

Use the following procedure to add SMB autohome rules.
  1. Go to configuration services smb.
  2. Use the create command to add autohome rules, and the list command to list existing rules.

    This example adds a rule for the user Chris then lists the rules:

    hostname:> configuration services smb
    hostname:configuration services smb> create
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set use_nss=false
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set user=Chris
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set directory=/export/wdp
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set container="dc=com,dc=fishworks,
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration services smb> list
    RULE       NSS      USER         DIRECTORY            CONTAINER
    rule-000   false    Chris        /export/wdp          dc=com,dc=fishworks,
  3. Create autohome rules using wildcard characters.

    The & character matches the users' username, and the ? character matches the first letter of the users' username. The following example uses wildcards to match all users:

    hostname:configuration services smb> create
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set use_nss=false
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set user=*
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set directory=/export/?/&
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set container="dc=com,dc=fishworks,
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration services smb> list
    RULE       NSS      USER         DIRECTORY            CONTAINER
    rule-000   false    Chris        /export/wdp          dc=com,dc=fishworks,
  4. The name service switch can also be used to create autohome rules:
    hostname:configuration services smb> create
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set use_nss=true
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> set container="dc=com,dc=fishworks,
    hostname:configuration services rule (uncommitted)> commit
    hostname:configuration services smb> list
    RULE       NSS      USER         DIRECTORY            CONTAINER
    rule-000   true                                       dc=com,dc=fishworks,