Adding a Static Route (BUI)

After defining the static route from the source appliance to the target appliance, repeat these steps on the target appliance to define the static route from the target back to the source.

  1. Source appliance: From the Configuration menu, select Network, then Routing.
  2. Click the add item icon image showing the add item icon to left of Routing Table Entries .
  3. In the Insert Static Route dialog box, set properties.
    • Select a Family protocol (IPv4 or IPv6).
    • Select Network for Kind.
    • Specify a Destination address (the IP address of the target appliance) and a Gateway address.
    • Select an Interface.
  4. Click ADD.

    The new route will appear in the table.

  5. Target appliance: From the Configuration menu, select Network, then Routing.
  6. Repeat step 2 through step 4.

    The value of Destination is the IP address of the source appliance.