CLI Contexts

A central principle in the CLI is the context in which commands are executed. The context dictates which elements of the system can be managed and which commands are available. Contexts have a tree structure in which contexts may themselves contain nested contexts and the structure generally mirrors that of the views in the BUI.

The initial context upon login is the root context, and serves as the parent or ancestor of all contexts. To navigate to a context, execute the name of the context as a command. For example, the functionality available in the Configuration view in the browser is available in the configuration context of the CLI. From the root context, this can be accessed by typing it directly:

hostname:> configuration

Note that the prompt changes to reflect the context, with the context provided between the colon and the greater-than sign in the prompt.

The show command shows child contexts. For example, from the configuration context:

hostname:configuration> show
                             net => Configure networking
                        services => Configure services
                         version => Display system version
                           users => Configure administrative users
                           roles => Configure administrative roles
                     preferences => Configure user preferences
                          alerts => Configure alerts
                         storage => Configure Storage

These child contexts correspond to the views available under the Configuration view in the browser, including Network, Services, Users, Preferences, and so on. To select one of these child contexts, type its name:

hostname:configuration> preferences
hostname:configuration preferences>

Navigate to a descendant context directly from an ancestor by specifying the intermediate contexts separated with spaces. For example, to navigate directly to configuration preferences from the root context, simply type it:

hostname:> configuration preferences
hostname:configuration preferences>

Some child contexts are dynamic in that they correspond not to fixed views in the browser, but rather to dynamic entities that have been created by either the user or the system. There are two ways to navigate to these contexts: You can use the select command followed by the name of the dynamic context, or surround the name of the dynamic context with double quotes. The names of the dynamic contexts contained within a given context are shown using the list command. For example, the users context is a static context, but each user is its own dynamic context.

hostname:> configuration users
hostname:configuration users> list 
NAME                     USERNAME                 UID        TYPE
Pat M Doe                pmd                      12345      Dir
Super-User               root                     0          Loc

To select the user named pmd, issue the command select pmd or "pmd":

hostname:configuration users> "pmd"
hostname:configuration users pmd

Alternately, double quotes, select and destroy can in some contexts be used to select an entity based on its properties. For example, one could select log entries issued by the reboot module in the maintenance logs system context by issuing the following command:

hostname:maintenance logs system> select module=reboot
hostname:maintenance logs system entry-034> show
  timestamp = 2022-10-14 06:24:41
     module = reboot
   priority = crit
       text = initiated by root on /dev/console syslogd: going down on signal 15

As with other commands, select or double quotes may be appended to a context-changing command. For example, to select the user named pmd from the root context:

hostname:> configuration users select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd>

Use the last command to navigate to a previously selected or created context. The following example creates a replication action, and then uses the last and get id commands to retrieve the replication action ID. Then a different action is selected, and the last and get id commands are used to retrieve the ID of the last-visited replication action.

Using last, you can return to the last-visited node:

hostname:configuration net interfaces> "igb4"
hostname:configuration net interfaces igb4> done
hostname:configuration net interfaces> last
hostname:configuration net interfaces igb4>

The last command is also useful to retrieve values that have been automatically set by the appliance during the creation of a dynamic node. For example, each replication action is assigned an ID by the appliance when it is created. Using the last command with the get id command, you can retrieve the ID without using the name of the replication action:

hostname:shares p1/share replication> create
hostname:shares p1/share action (uncommitted)> set target=hostname
                               target = hostname (uncommitted)
hostname:shares p1/share action (uncommitted)> set pool=p0
                               pool = p0 (uncommitted)
hostname:shares p1/share action (uncommitted)> commit
hostname:shares p1/share replication> last get id
                               id = 7034367a-d4d8-e26f-fa93-c3b454e3b595
hostname:shares p1/share replication>

Note that when last is combined with another command (in this case, get id), the command is run in the context of the last-visited node, but the current node remains unchanged.

Because last allows you to retrieve the last-visited node and its values without specifying the name of the node, this command is particularly convenient for scripting:

         project = 'myproj';
         target = 'mytarget';
         target_pool = 'notmypool';

         run('cd /');
         run('shares select ' + project);
         set('target', target);
         set('pool', target_pool);
         id = get('id');
         printf("Sending update for replication action id %s ...", id);
         while (get('state') != 'idle') {
                run('sleep 1');

To return to the previous context, use the done command:

hostname:configuration> done

This returns to the previous context, which is not necessarily the parent context, as follows:

hostname:> configuration users select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> done

The done command can be used multiple times to backtrack to earlier contexts:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> done
hostname:configuration users> done
hostname:configuration> done

To navigate to a parent context, use the cd command. Inspired by the classic UNIX command, cd takes an argument of ".." to denote moving to the parent context:

hostname:> configuration users select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> cd ..
hostname:configuration users>

And as with the UNIX command, "cd /" moves to the root context:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> cd /

And as with its UNIX analogue, "cd ../.." may be used to navigate to the grandparent context:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> cd ../..

Note that the cd / and cd .. commands support limited variations. For more versatility, use the top command and the up command.

Use the top command to navigate to the root context:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> top

Use the top command followed by a context name to directly navigate to the specified context relative to the root context. For example, to directly navigate from context configuration users to context configuration services, use the top configuration services command:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> top configuration services
hostname:configuration services>

When the top command is used in conjunction with a specific context, the done command can be used to navigate back to the context before the top command was executed. In the following example, the first done command returns to the previous context. The second done command returns to the context before the top command. The third done command returns to the context two nodes before the top command.

hostname:> maintenance system
hostname:maintenance system> updates
hostname:maintenance system updates> top configuration services
hostname:configuration services> ftp
hostname:configuration services ftp> done
hostname:configuration services> done
hostname:maintenance system updates> done

Like the cd .. command, the up command can be used to navigate to the parent context:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> up
hostname:configuration users>

Additionally, you can go to a context n nodes up from the current context by repeating the up command n times:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> up up

To go back to a specific context relative to the current parent context, enter the context name after the up command. Likewise, use the up up command followed by a context name to go back to a specific context relative to the current grandparent context. For example, to go from context configuration users pmd to context configuration services, use the command up up services:

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> users
hostname:configuration users> select pmd
hostname:configuration users pmd> up up services
hostname:configuration services>

When the up command is used in conjunction with a specific context, the done command can be used to navigate back to the context before the up command was executed. In the following example, the first done command returns to the context before the up command. The second done command returns to the context two nodes before the up command, and the third done command returns to the context three nodes before the up command.

hostname:> configuration
hostname:configuration> services
hostname:configuration services> ftp
hostname:configuration services ftp> up http
hostname:configuration services http> done
hostname:configuration services ftp> done
hostname:configuration services> done
hostname:configuration> done

Context names will tab complete, be they static contexts (via normal command completion) or dynamic contexts (via command completion of the select command). Following is an example of selecting the user named pmd from the root context with just fifteen keystrokes, instead of the thirty-one that would be required without tab completion:

hostname:> configtab
hostname:> configuration utab
hostname:> configuration users setab
hostname:> configuration users select tab
pmd   root
hostname:> configuration users select ptab
hostname:> configuration users select pmdenter
hostname:configuration users pmd>

Once in a context, execute context-specific commands. For example, to get the current user's preferences, execute the get command from the configuration preferences context:

hostname:configuration preferences> get
                       locale = C
                 login_screen = status/dashboard
              session_timeout = 15
           session_annotation = 
           advanced_analytics = false

If there is input following a command that changes context, that command will be executed in the target context, but control will return to the calling context. For example, to get preferences from the root context without changing context, append the get command to the context navigation commands:

hostname:> configuration preferences get
                       locale = C
                 login_screen = status/dashboard
              session_timeout = 15
           session_annotation = 
           advanced_analytics = false

When creating a new entity in the system, the context associated with the new entity will often be created in an uncommitted state. For example, create a threshold alert by executing the create command from the configuration alerts threshold context:

hostname:> configuration alerts thresholds create
hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)>

The (uncommitted) in the prompt denotes that this an uncommitted context. An uncommitted entity is committed via the commit command; any attempt to navigate away from the uncommitted context will prompt for confirmation:

hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> cd /
Leaving will abort creation of "threshold". Are you sure? (Y/N)

When committing an uncommitted entity, the properties associated with the new entity will be validated, and an error will be generated if the entity cannot be created. For example, the creation of a new threshold alert requires the specification of a statistic name; failure to set this name results in an error:

hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> commit
error: missing value for property "statname"

To resolve the problem, address the error and reattempt the commit:

hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> set statname=cpu.utilization
                statname = cpu.utilization (uncommitted)
hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> commit
error: missing value for property "limit"
hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> set limit=90
                   limit = 90 (uncommitted)
hostname:configuration alerts threshold (uncommitted)> commit
hostname:configuration alerts thresholds> list
threshold-000         90     normal cpu.utilization

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