Configuring Identity Mapping (BUI)

Use the following procedure to configure identity mapping.

Before You Begin

Ensure that you are joined to at least one Active Directory domain. For information about active directories, see Active Directory Configuration.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services, then Identity Mapping, then Properties.
  2. Select one of the following mapping modes.
    • Rule-based

    • Directory-based - Set all of the following attributes.

      • AD Attribute - UNIX User Name - Name in the Active Directory database of the equivalent UNIX user name

      • AD Attribute - UNIX Group Name - Name in the Active Directory database of the equivalent UNIX group name

      • Native LDAP Attribute - Windows User Name - Name in the LDAP database of the equivalent Windows identity

    • IDMU

  3. To save the settings, click APPLY. To clear the settings, click REVERT.

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