Configuring the LDAP Server List (CLI)

Use the following procedure to configure the LDAP server list.
  1. Go to configuration services ldap.
  2. Enter the list command to show existing LDAP servers.
  3. Configure the list.
    • If you plan to have more than one server in the list, decide whether you want the servers to be tried in a particular order. If the servers should be tried in the order in which they are specified in the servers property, set the use_server_order property to true. By default, the value of the use_server_order property is false. For more information about how the servers are used, see table "LDAP Server Properties" in LDAP Properties.

    • Check the value of the servers property.

      hostname:configuration services ldap> get servers
                servers =,
    • To add, remove, or reorder servers in the list, reset the value of the servers property. The following example reorders the list:

      hostname:configuration services ldap> set,
  4. Enter commit.