Configuring SRP Targets (BUI)

This procedure describes the steps for configuring SRP targets.

  1. Connect HCA ports to InfiniBand interfaces.
  2. The targets are automatically discovered by the appliance.
  3. To create the target group, from the Configuration menu, select SAN.
  4. Click the Target link, and then click SRP targets.
    The SRP targets page appears.
  5. To create the target group, use the move icon image showing the move icon to drag a target to the Target Groups list.
  6. Click APPLY.
  7. Optional: To create an initiator and initiator group on the Initiator screen, click the add icon image showing the add icon and collect the GUID from the initiator, assign it a name, and drag it to the initiator group.
  8. To create a LUN and associate it with the SRP target and initiators you created in the previous steps, select the Shares menu.
  9. Click the LUNs link, and then click the LUN add icon image showing the add icon . Use the Target Group and Initiator Group menus in the Create LUN dialog box to select the SRP groups to associate with the LUN.