Creating a New Server Certificate (BUI)

Use this procedure to create a new server certificate.

  1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings, then Certificates, and click the System tab.
  2. Create a new CSR.

    Either add a new CSR or copy an existing CSR.

    • To add a new CSR, click the add item icon add item icon image .

    • To create a new CSR based on an existing CSR or certificate, hover over an existing entry and click the copy icon copy icon image .

  3. Complete the fields in the New Certificate Request dialog box.
  4. Click CREATE.
  5. Save the new CSR.

    When prompted to open the CSR or save it, save the CSR either now or later.

    • To save the CSR now, select Save File and click OK.

    • To save the CSR later, do the following:

      1. In the open or save dialog box, click Cancel.

      2. Hover over the entry in the table, and click the download icon image showing the download icon .

  6. Transfer the CSR to your CA in the prescribed manner.
  7. Upload the signed certificate.

    After you receive the signed certificate from the CA, do the following:

    1. From the Configuration menu, select Settings, then Certificates, and click the System tab.
    2. Click the upload icon image showing the upload icon .
    3. Browse to the signed certificate and select it.
    4. Click UPLOAD.