Dashboard CLI

A text version of the Status: Dashboard screen is available from the CLI by entering status dashboard:

hostname:> status dashboard
      Used           497G bytes
      Avail          8.43T bytes
      State          online
      Compression    1x

   Cache        30.1G bytes
   Unused       2.18G bytes
   Mgmt         343M bytes
   Other        474M bytes
   Kernel       38.9G bytes

   ad                disabled               smb              disabled
   dns               online                 ftp               disabled
   http              online                 identity          online
   idmap             online                 ipmp              online
   iscsi             online                 ldap              disabled
   ndmp              online                 nfs               online
   nis               online                 ntp               online
   routing           online                 scrk              maintenance
   snmp              online                 ssh               online
   tags              online                 vscan             online

   CPU               online                 Cards             online
   Disks             faulted                Fans              online
   Memory            online                 PSU               online

   CPU             1 %util                  Sunny
   Disk           32 ops/sec                Sunny
   iSCSI           0 ops/sec                Sunny
   NDMP            0 bytes/sec              Sunny
   NFSv3           0 ops/sec                Sunny
   NFSv4           0 ops/sec                Sunny
   Network       13K bytes/sec              Sunny
   SMB             0 ops/sec                Sunny

Recent Alerts:
   2022-6-15 07:46: A cluster interconnect link has been restored.

The previous descriptions in this section apply, with the following differences:

  • The activity plots are not rendered in text.

  • The storage usage section will list details for all available pools in the CLI, whereas the BUI only has room to summarize one.

Separate views are available, for example status activity show:

hostname:> status activity show
   CPU            10 %util                  Sunny
   Disk          478 ops/sec                Partly Cloudy
   iSCSI           0 ops/sec                Sunny
   NDMP            0 bytes/sec              Sunny
   NFSv3         681 ops/sec                Partly Cloudy
   NFSv4           0 ops/sec                Sunny
   Network     22.8M bytes/sec              Partly Cloudy
   SMB             0 ops/sec                Sunny