DNS Properties and Logs

The configurable properties for the DNS client include a base domain name and a list of servers, specified by IP address. You must supply a domain name and at least one server address; the server must be capable of returning an NS (NameServer) record for the domain you specify, although it need not itself be authoritative for that domain.

Table 3-5 DNS Properties

Property Description

DNS Domain

Domain name to search first when performing partial hostname lookups.

DNS Server(s)

One or more DNS servers. IP addresses must be used.

DNS Search Domain(s)

List of up to four domains to be searched for after the Active Directory domain, the deprecated Active Directory search domain, and the specified DNS domain.

Allow IPv4 non-DNS resolution

IPv4 addresses may be resolved to hostnames, and hostnames to IPv4 addresses, using NIS and/or LDAP if configured and enabled.

Allow IPv6 non-DNS resolution

IPv4 and IPv6 addresses may be resolved to hostnames, and hostnames to IPv4 and IPv6 addresses, using NIS and/or LDAP if configured and enabled.

Changing services properties is documented in Setting Service Properties (BUI) and Setting Service Properties (CLI). The CLI property names are shorter versions of those listed above.

The DNS service events log is available in network-dns-client:default.

Related Topics

Active Directory and DNS