Editing a Replication Target (CLI)

Use the following procedure to edit a replication target.
  1. Go to shares replication targets.
  2. Select the target you want to edit.
  3. Modify the values of the target properties.

    The label and hostname properties can be modified, and the value of the host_match option can be enabled or disabled. For descriptions of these properties, see Creating a Replication Target (CLI).

    An updated hostname value must still resolve to the same appliance. To point to a different appliance than previously configured, create a new target to authenticate against the new appliance.

  4. Commit any changes.

    The certificate trust check is performed. After a target is created, its certificate can become untrusted. For example, the source's administrator could remove the certificate from the list of trusted certificates, or the target's administrator could replace the certificate.

    If the certificate is not trusted by the source, the certificate is presented for you to review, and you are prompted to accept or reject the certificate as described in Testing the Connection (CLI).

Additional Tasks

  • View the actions configured with the target. To modify the properties of an action, see Editing a Replication Action (CLI).

  • Destroy the target, if no actions are using it.


    A target should not be destroyed while actions are using it. Such actions will be permanently broken. The system makes a best effort to enforce this best practice but cannot guarantee that no actions exist in exported storage pools that are using a given target.