Encryption Properties

The following list shows the encryption properties available for creating keys, managing keys, and creating encrypted pools, projects, and shares.

  • LOCAL Key Management Properties
    • Master Passphrase - The master passphrase is used to generate an AES key for encrypting the keys stored in the LOCAL keystore. The PKCS#5 PBKDF algorithm is used to generate the key, and the key is randomly generated and managed by the system.
  • LOCAL Key Creation Properties
    • Keyname - Name to identify the key.
    • Key - Hex-encoded raw 256-bit key, stored in an encrypted form.
  • OKM Key Management Properties (supplied by your OKM administrator)
    • Key Manager Server - IP address of your OKM server.
    • User Agent ID - Agent ID.
    • Registration PIN - Registration PIN.
  • OKM Key Creation Properties
    • Keyname - Name to identify the key.
  • KMIP Key Management Properties
    • KMIP Server - Hostname or IP address of a KMIP server. This property can have multiple values.
    • Certificate - Certificate that you uploaded to the appliance from files provided by your KMIP server administrator.
  • KMIP Key Creation Properties
    • Keyname - Name to identify the key.
  • KMIP Options - See Key Management Interoperability Protocol (KMIP) Keystore for more information.

    • Validate the server hostname against the server's identity in the server certificate.
    • Destroy or preserve a key on the KMIP server when that key is deleted key on the appliance.
  • Pool, Project, and Shares Encryption Properties
    • Encryption - AES encryption type and key length. For more information, see Understanding Encryption Key Values.
    • Keystore - LOCAL, OKM, or KMIP.

    • Key - The name of a specific LOCAL, OKM, or KMIP key.
    • Key Last Change - The date that the key was last changed.
    • Key Status - If the value of this property is unavailable, then the key has been deleted.

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