Monitoring LDAP Server Status (BUI)

Use the following procedure to monitor the LDAP server status.
  1. From the Configuration menu, select Services.
  2. Under Directory Services, select LDAP.
  3. View server status.

    On the Properties tab, scroll to the LDAP Servers section of the page.

    For each server, the following status is displayed:

    • Status icon - Indicator icon that represents the status of the server. The indicator icon is either online Status: On or unavailable Status: Disabled.

    • Last Seen - The total time since the last response was received from each LDAP server.

    • RTT - The round-trip time to get the response from the server.

  4. View the LDAP server logs.
    1. Click the Logs tab at the top of the LDAP page.
    2. Select an LDAP server from the drop-down menu.

      The log entries contain a time and description for specific LDAP server alerts.

    3. View additional logs.

      Use the arrow buttons to the right of the server menu to view previous or later logs for the selected server.

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